Choosing to ENJOY My Summer
The last month or so, I’ve had some really low moments. I’ve become indifferent to living in France (something I never thought would happen) and I’ve been getting overwhelmed very easily. I was talking to my boyfriend the other day about how I was feeling, and he goes “it’s clear that you’re homesick”. I am not usually the type to get homesick, especially when I feel like I’m in the place I’m supposed be (like France for me right now). However, this month I was supposed to be back home in the United States and traveling and spending time with my family. Because of this, I’ve been stuck in “the grass is always greener” mentality. I have been missing a lot of things about the United States and completely neglecting to enjoy the beautiful city I am in now. While I am hopeful that things will improve and I’ll get to go home soon safely (and have a way to get back to France), I choose to start look for the positives where I am at now.
Things are still quite uncertain right now, so it’s totally normal to have some feelings of despair and loneliness. I am not the type of person to dwell on negative emotions (usually- we all have our moments), however acknowledging our feelings is so important. And for me, A LOT of emotions are coming up right now. While we can’t control so many things right now, I choose to focus on what I can control- taking little (socially distanced) trips around France, preparing for school and signing up for my classes, continuing to work on my YouTube channel and blog, and staying as healthy as possible. I also plan on adding a few more little things into my routine that will bring me more joy- going on daily walks by the river, going on day-trips with my boyfriend to beautiful nearby spots along the coast during the weekend, making an effort to spend time with more people here, and of course continuing to talk to my family and friends back home regularly.
I choose to honor my feelings of missing my family and the familiarity of home AND still choose to find beauty and joy where I am right now. Living in France has always been my dream, I truly love my life here, and getting to travel around France this summer (safely, of course) is fantastic. If you’re anything like me, staying in one place this long and not being with everyone you want to be with during this time is pretty difficult. I still urge you to appreciate where you are right now and find beauty in the small things. If living in another country has taught me anything, there are both good and bad things about living anywhere and there is ALWAYS something to appreciate where you are now.
Here are some photos from my walk this past weekend around one of my favorite neighborhoods in Nantes- there truly is so much beauty:
Also, be sure to follow my Instagram and subscribe to my YouTube Channel to stay updated with my daily life!