Choosing to ENJOY My Summer

The last month or so, I’ve had some really low moments. I’ve become indifferent to living in France (something I never thought would happen) and I’ve been getting overwhelmed very easily. I was talking to my boyfriend the other day about how I was feeling, and he goes “it’s clear that you’re homesick”. I am not usually the type to get homesick, especially when I feel like I’m in the place I’m supposed be (like France for me right now). However, this month I was supposed to be back home in the United States and traveling and spending time with my family. Because of this, I’ve been stuck in “the grass is always greener” mentality. I have been missing a lot of things about the United States and completely neglecting to enjoy the beautiful city I am in now. While I am hopeful that things will improve and I’ll get to go home soon safely (and have a way to get back to France), I choose to start look for the positives where I am at now.

Things are still quite uncertain right now, so it’s totally normal to have some feelings of despair and loneliness. I am not the type of person to dwell on negative emotions (usually- we all have our moments), however acknowledging our feelings is so important. And for me, A LOT of emotions are coming up right now. While we can’t control so many things right now, I choose to focus on what I can control- taking little (socially distanced) trips around France, preparing for school and signing up for my classes, continuing to work on my YouTube channel and blog, and staying as healthy as possible. I also plan on adding a few more little things into my routine that will bring me more joy- going on daily walks by the river, going on day-trips with my boyfriend to beautiful nearby spots along the coast during the weekend, making an effort to spend time with more people here, and of course continuing to talk to my family and friends back home regularly. 

I choose to honor my feelings of missing my family and the familiarity of home AND still choose to find beauty and joy where I am right now. Living in France has always been my dream, I truly love my life here, and getting to travel around France this summer (safely, of course) is fantastic. If you’re anything like me, staying in one place this long and not being with everyone you want to be with during this time is pretty difficult. I still urge you to appreciate where you are right now and find beauty in the small things. If living in another country has taught me anything, there are both good and bad things about living anywhere and there is ALWAYS something to appreciate where you are now.

Here are some photos from my walk this past weekend around one of my favorite neighborhoods in Nantes- there truly is so much beauty:

Also, be sure to follow my Instagram and subscribe to my YouTube Channel to stay updated with my daily life!

NOW is the Time to Reset Your Year

The Summer Solstice was June 20th (this past Saturday), followed by a new moon and solar eclipse. Whether or not you’re spiritual, or whether or not you’re into astrology, the Summer Solstice signifies that we are (almost) halfway through the year, and it signifies the beginning of summer and is also the longest day of the year, at least for us in the Northern Hemisphere. This year, the Summer Solstice was synced up with a new moon and solar eclipse. New moons typically represent new beginnings, as do solstices. As we change from spring to summer and as we mark the halfway point of 2020, we can use this time to reevaluate our goals and intentions and set new ones.

While I’m still continuing to work towards the intentions I set at the end of last year and beginning of this year, I am using this time as a new beginning to level up and refocus on who I want to be and what I want to accomplish before starting my master’s program in the fall. The pandemic hit in March, my job ended abruptly, and I have spent the last three months predominantly inside (as most of us have). Because I was forced to slow down, I ended up doing a lot of healing work during this time. By healing work, I mean I did a lot of work examining my judgments of others and myself which led me to do a lot of forgiveness work as well, and I also spent a lot of time looking at my beliefs that were holding me back.


This healing work allowed me to get really clear on exactly what I want to bring into my life, so if you have not yet done a lot of healing work on yourself, or taken time to examine what beliefs are holding you back, I’d recommend starting with that as one of your intentions for the summer. This might sound a bit weird and a little esoteric if this concept is new to you, but the most important step in facilitating this is just to OBSERVE. Observe your thoughts, judgments, and the beliefs you have about yourself and they will make you become aware of the negative patterns you have in your life. For example, scrolling on Instagram for 30 minutes straight may cause you to go into a comparison spiral and result in you not feeling good enough about yourself. By observing this pattern, you realize you hold onto the belief that you’re not good enough and this is triggered by comparing yourself to others. You can then go and think of past events that caused you to feel this way and begin to forgive those memories, the people involved, and yourself.


Lately, I’ve stopped setting goals but instead adopted the habit of setting intentions. You can set daily intentions as well bigger intentions. The reason I decided to change my terminology in this way is because, sometimes, the word goal has a negative connotation. For example, we have all set BIG goals in the past (like New Year’s Resolutions) that we had every intention of sticking to and ended up failing at. Because of this, we condition ourselves to view goals as too far-fetched. By using the word intentions instead of goals, we are INTENDING something to happen, which, in my opinion, seems a lot more likely than just setting a goal. I set daily intentions as well as monthly and yearly intentions. By accomplishing small daily intentions, we train ourselves to also accomplish bigger and “loftier” monthly and yearly intentions as well. 


Going off of the last point, every day I set three intentions in lieu of making a to-do list. In order to do this, you have to really rethink your priorities. For me, I have my daily self-care habits I strive to do, but my intentions that I set are always business or school related. The way you choose to do this is up to you, but ultimately it makes you really think about what is the most important for you to accomplish in that day. Obviously, if you work a 9 to 5 job, for example, you might have a lot of tasks you need to do throughout the day, so you could dedicate your three intentions to things you want to get done before and after work. Recently I did an exercise where I wrote down the five most important categories in my life, and everything that I do, every decision that I make, and all of my intentions are centered around them. These categories for me are health and wellness, business, my community (the people closest to me), adventure, and spirituality and self-development. I found that this was a really good exercise to reevaluate what is the most important to me.

NOW is the time to reset your year, refocus your priorities, and set powerful intentions for the months ahead. Now is the time for a perfect new beginning.

Also, be sure to follow my Instagram and subscribe to my YouTube Channel to stay up to date!

Tips for Staying Healthy During the Bizarre Summer of 2020

The summer of 2020 will be like none that we have ever seen before. It is an uncertain time, and predicting what the world will be like in a few months is pretty difficult to do. Because of this, I have had to cancel a few trips- I am sure that I am not alone in this. While I feel extremely grateful, as I am in a safe environment and am healthy, there are many difficulties we are all collectively going through during this time.

Right now, it is essential to focus on what we can control. One of the most important things we can do is implement healthy habits that make us feel our best. Here are the tips that have helped me get through confinement and that have made me feel so good that I will continue to implement them into my routine. This post goes along with my most recent video on my YouTube channel. Be sure to check it out!

My tips for stay healthy during this (weird) summer:

Tip #1. Move your body and EXERCISE-

This summer it might be a bit harder to get active outside, but it is still so essential to find ways to move our bodies. I would recommend finding something you love to do because that way you are much more likely to stick to it! Also, since a lot of gyms are closed and it is better to practice social distancing right now, there are so many amazing online workout resources. Recently, I’ve been doing circuit training with the SWEAT app and the Yoga with Adrienne 30 day challenge called Home on YouTube. 

Tip #2. Eat healthy! Try and fill your plate with around 50% plants-

This tip is a bit of no-brainer, but eating healthy is so important to keep us feeling our best. During summer, it’s so much easier to get a plethora of fresh, local produce so let’s use that to our advantage! I always try and fill my plate with around 50% plants, and that’s much easier to do right now! Healthy, simple meals are a must for me during the summer. Also, don’t forget to take your vitamins to keep your immune system up!

Tip #3. Drink water-

Again, this is another no-brainer, but drinking water is so important, especially during the summer. Instead of going with the typical recommendation of 64 ounces of water per day, I’ve been aiming for 100 ounces or more, especially as the weather has been getting hotter and hotter. Drinking water is necessary to keeping your body at its healthiest.

Tip #4. Wear sunscreen-

This one is especially personal for me as I was diagnosed with melanoma about 4 years ago. I cannot stress enough how important it is to wear sunscreen every single day, especially in the summer and especially when spending time in direct sunlight. Not only in sunscreen essential for the safety of our skin, it also prevents against aging. I recommend getting a mineral sunscreen because mineral sunscreens are better for your skin and for the coral reefs (normal sunscreen has chemicals that are harmful to the ocean).

Tip #5. Go for a daily walk-

Going for a daily walk has also been extremely helpful for me in keeping my spirits lifted. I’ve loved being able to find beautiful walking trails or parks nearby and enjoy being outside. Another thing that I’m looking forward to this summer is finding remote hiking trails. Spending time and getting active in nature is amazing for both your physical and mental health. 

Tip #6. Spend an hour (or more) relaxing every day-

One of my commitments during confinement has been to meditate every day and spend at least an hour relaxing. When I’m feeling tired in the afternoon, I like to do a guided meditation or a guided hypnosis and spend some time listening to classical music and reading as well. Spending time in meditation and simply being mindful about relaxing every day has been a game-changer for me. By really allowing yourself to relax, you’re activating your parasympathetic nervous system and this has immense benefits for your health and your immune system.

Tip #7. Connect with family and friends-

Keeping up with our loved ones right now is so essential. This summer, we not have the opportunity to spend as much time with our friends or family as anticipated, but it is still necessary to be sure to keep up with them via FaceTime or Zoom. It’s not the same as being with them in person, no, but it is so important for our mental health to keep a supportive community around us. Even sending a quick text to say you love someone or keeping an ongoing group message with your best friends can brighten your mood- I know that’s been a lifesaver for me right now. We might not be able to go on all those fun family vacations or road trips with friends that we had planned, but staying close to those you love doesn’t have to be hard. Don’t isolate yourself.

I hope these tips help aid you in feeling your best both physically and mentally.

Follow along with more of what I am doing by subscribing to my YouTube or following me on Instagram!

How to Use Scripting to Manifest Using the Law of Attraction

For me, the most powerful and useful method to call in my desires has been to use scripting. Scripting is essentially writing down your desires or goals, but doing so in the present tense so you can put yourself in the feeling of having already achieved them. This may sound weird to people who aren’t familiar with Law of Attraction or manifestation lingo, but think about it, psychologically it’s proven that you’re more likely to achieve something if you write it down. Scripting is basically a more elevated version of that.

This goes along with this YouTube video- check it out on my YouTube channel!


When you write down exactly what you want your life to be like and you do this in the present tense, you are picturing and envisioning your life in that way. This is also psychologically proven to work because of mirror neurons. Mirror neurons are neurons that fire both when a person is doing something and when a person is observing a behavior. This is why so many people who played sports in their past love watching sports on the television, because the same neurons fire when watching the sport as when actually playing it. Additionally, this is why so many athletes visualize themselves performing as “practice” for the competition. There have been countless studies done that show visualization is an extremely effective way to boost performance. Visualizing a certain situation or goal occurring in the best possible scenario allows for your neurons to fire in the same way they would if those events were actually occurring in your reality. Scripting is an effective way to tap into the feelings of your future life and visualize exactly what you want your life to look like. And when you visualize something, it’s more likely to happen.


The method I use to script is three steps. Firstly, I write down in bullet-point format every goal that I want to achieve in each area of my life. The categories that I use while scripting are Health and Wellness, Schooling/ Career and Finances, Living Situation/ Travel, Relationships, and Spirituality/ Self-Development.

The first step might look like this under the Health and Wellness category:

  • Run a half-marathon

  • Lift weights 4 times per week

  • Eat a plant-based diet

  • Feel healthier (physically and mentally) and have more energy

  • Be more confident

The second step is to re-write every one of your goals under each category into present tense using full sentences. This allows you to truly picture your ideal life.

The second step might look this:

  • I am so grateful for my healthy and fit body. I run 3 times a week and have worked my way up so I can now run 13.1 miles (or even more!) and it feels incredible. On top of that, I lift weights 4 times per week and feel stronger than ever before! I eat a plant-based, vegan diet and that makes me feel so healthy and energetic. Overall, I feel so healthy and confident every single day.

The third step is to pull action steps from the first two steps so you know exactly what action that you can take to make your vision into a reality.

The third step might look like this:

  • I wake up 1 hour earlier every morning before work to run or lift weights.

  • I meal prep on Sundays so I stick to a plant-based diet and can make incredible and healthy meals.

  • I say positive affirmations to myself every day to increase my confidence.

  • To feel even healthier, I drink at least 64 ounces of water per day and get at least 8 hours of sleep.

My examples of how to script were just that- examples. With this scripting method, you can tailor every single thing to you and your desires and the kind of life you want to live. By writing out (in present tense) everything you want to attract into your life, it puts you into the feeling of already having it and already living as your ideal self would. The action steps then created in step three can then help you know what action you need to be taking on a daily or weekly basis. If you’re feeling stuck, you can go back and re-read steps two and three to put yourself back into alignment with your future and figure out what steps you need to take- or more importantly who you need to be- to get your closer to that vision.

Follow along by subscribing to my YouTube or following me on Instagram!

BIG Life Changes

Right now, the world is going through big, collective changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This has been an extremely difficult time for everyone, myself included. This situation caused me some anxiety, strife, and sadness like it has most of the world. As all of the schools in France have closed, I have stopped teaching, and the majority of teaching assistants in my program have gone back to the United States, including most of my friends. World borders have closed, including the borders between the United States and France. It’s been difficult to be away from my family during this time, but I think staying here is the best decision for now so both my family and I can stay safe and healthy during this time. 

We are going into our fourth week of quarantine here in France where we have a stay-at-home order in which we can only leave for essential reasons and that requires a form from the government. As soon as school cancellations were announced in France, my boyfriend quickly picked me up from my apartment outside of Paris to take me back to Nantes so that I can be with him during this time. I quickly moved the majority of my stuff out of my apartment to his apartment but left a few things behind due to the haste in which I had to leave. However, I am extremely happy and grateful to be.

So far, being in quarantine here has been mostly positive! I was sick the first week, which induced some fear, but I’m back in perfect health and feeling much better. Additionally, I  initially spent a lot of time organizing and settling into my boyfriend’s place and resting A LOT. I’m feeling susceptible to others’ emotions during this time, so I’ve been going very easy on myself and been very compassionate to myself during this time. By doing this, I feel much better about myself and can realign with love and in this way be the most positive as possible. During this situation, I think it’s extremely important to be kind to both ourselves and others. I’ve been feeling a rollercoaster of emotions, and by allowing myself to accept that and honor that, I can judge myself (and others) less and feel better overall.

I’ve also been trying to find ways to keep myself happy and positive during this time!

This includes:

  • Cooking healthy and delicious vegan food with my love

  • Making my favorite coffee drinks

  • Doing lots of yoga and exercising

  • Having dance parties around the apartment

  • Journaling

  • Meditating

  • Taking mindset, health, and business courses

  • RELAXING and taking it very easy

Check out this post on my tips to staying positive during quarantine. I hope you all are staying healthy and safe during this time and I am sending love to all!

Also, be sure to follow my Instagram and subscribe to my YouTube Channel to stay up to date!

How to Stay Positive During Quarantine

This time has been quite difficult for all of us, but maintaining a positive mindset (most of the time) has been really beneficial. I wanted to share the tips that have been working for me to keep me in the best headspace while in quarantine.

This goes along with a YouTube video- be sure to check it out on my YouTube channel if you haven’t already!

Tip # 1. Let yourself feel your feelings-

This might sound counterintuitive, but allowing yourself to feel your feelings is the first and most important step to staying positive. If you suppress your negative emotions, they are going to come back up stronger in the future. If you feel sad, allow yourself to feel that and cry and let it out. When anxiety creeps up, first of all, turn off the news if you’re continuously plugged in, and allow yourself to feel the anxiety for 90 seconds or a couple of minutes before choosing a better thought. An easy way to do this is to practice gratitude, especially for your health during this time.

Tip #2. Practice gratitude-

Practicing gratitude can be really beneficial during difficult times such as this. If you’re in good health and in a safe environment during this time, you already have so much to be grateful for. There are so many small things to be grateful for every day. Our health, the food in our pantries, clean water, our morning coffee… the list continues. Every single day, I write a gratitude list and think about how grateful I am for my health and safety and the health and safety of my family and loved ones. Love and fear cannot coexist. By choosing gratitude over anxiety, you are creating so much more love in your life and consciously choosing to feel better.

Tip #3. Connect with others- 

Right now, it is essential to connect with others. Reach out to friends and family members often, especially if you are quarantined alone during this time. For the first time ever, we don’t have the excuse that we are too busy. Additionally, offer kindness to your community by supporting local businesses whenever possible. Text all the essential workers in your life how much you appreciate what they are doing and research other ways you can help your communities during this time.

Tip #4. CREATE-

If you’re feeling up to it, or even if you’re having a hard time, taking time to create can really positively influence your day. Paint, draw, write, or make music. Use this time to work on projects that you’ve been putting off or that you’ve been too scared to do. Start that blog, YouTube channel, or podcast. Now is your time! 

Tip #5. Health is wealth-

Now more than ever, it is essential to focus on your health- both physically and mentally. Create an exercise routine for yourself, and add in a lot of yoga and meditation to continue working on your mental health as well! Get lots of sleep, drink lots of water, and take your vitamins to boost your immunity. Most importantly, focus on inner-peace and cultivating a stress-free environment because stress and fear hurt your immune system. Do what you can to relax as much as possible- more naps, lots of meditation, and other activities that make you feel at peace.

Tip #6. Show up as your best self-

“Visualize your highest self. Start showing up as her.” Lately I have been consuming a lot of content from Dr. Joe Dispenza. He discusses showing up as our future selves every day in order to achieve our goals and show up as our best. By feeling completely whole as we are and always showing up with love, we are able to become the best version of ourselves and achieve our dream lives that much faster. If you don’t know who your future self would be or you don’t know how to show up as your best self, then now is the time to start discovering that.

Tip #7. Offer yourself the most compassion as possible-

If you are having a difficult day and you’re unable to show up as your best version, it is essential to give yourself the most love and compassion as possible. If all you can manage to do is watch Netflix one day (or even for a week straight), give yourself the utmost love and compassion. By doing that, you’re able to realign with love. We are living through a pandemic, so it is necessary to give ourselves love and compassion and be free from judgment during this time- and to offer others love and compassion as well.

Follow along by subscribing to my YouTube or following me on Instagram!

La Vie Française and Future Plans

Right now I am currently sitting in coffee shop in central Paris, watching people trickle in and out. I’ve been here for a few hours, after spending the morning and the afternoon eating delicious food, walking around, and chatting with two of my good friends who I met through the program that I am doing here. I’m about to head to the train station to meet up with my boyfriend who is coming to visit this weekend from Nantes- next month we will celebrate our one year anniversary. At the coffee shop, I’ve been relaxing and doing some journaling, as well as working on some new ideas for my YouTube channel, blog, and business. I also just accepted my admission to Sciences Po, my dream grad school, located in the city center of Paris and where I will do my master’s in international management next year.

This week has been a bit difficult for me, as I had a few days were I was very anxious and I let fear take over. However, days like today make me feel so incredibly grateful for my amazing life. If you would’ve told me three years ago that this is what my life would look like now, I wouldn’t have believed you. I’m living my dream life in so many ways, and I genuinely believe it’s possible for everyone to do the same. On my YouTube, I have recently started a Manifest series, where I talk all about what I did to manifest my dream life and how you can do the same- check it out!

In the last few months, I have done so many cool things and for that I am so grateful. Most recently, I went to Morocco, a country that has been on my vision board for the last two years. Morocco was breathtaking in so many ways, however there were many cultural differences and that took some adjustment. All of my tips for traveling to Morocco will be in a post coming soon- so stay tuned! Additionally, aside from my travels and my admittance into graduate school, I’ve been working really hard on my mindset surrounding the future and the goals I have for myself so I can continue to accomplish BIG THINGS.

Since moving to France in September, I’ve faced A LOT of challenges and had some difficult times. Transportation and student protests made things quite difficult, and I’ve felt a bit anxious over the last few months, especially these past few weeks. Adjusting to a new country and a city as big as Paris is also difficult in and of itself. Don’t get me wrong, most of my experiences here have been incredible. I’ve been going back to Nantes quite often in order to see my boyfriend and his family, I’ve been spending time with my friends in the city, and I’ve taken some stellar trips over the weekend and over my breaks- one of my favorites being to visit my Nebraskan friend who is living in Cannes. Also, I love so many of my students and my daily routine, making my day-to-day life pretty great as well.

Check out some of the highlights from the last few months-

South of France and Monaco:

Exploring Paris:


I only have a few months left of my contract as an English teaching assistant, and after that ends I’ll be traveling some more with friends and staying in Nantes with my love before spending time in the United States this summer to get a new visa. Overall, there are a lot of good things up ahead and for that I’m so grateful.

 Stay updated by following me on Instagram or subscribing to my YouTube Channel!

A Weekend Guide to Naples

Last month I escaped Paris for a weekend to head to the gorgeous Amalfi Coast and spend some time in Naples, Italy. One of my absolute favorite things about living in Europe is how easy it is to travel and get away, even if it is only for a few days. Also, taking a trip (even a weekend trip) helps to renew my energy and to spark new inspiration. If you find yourself traveling Europe- or living here- I highly recommend heading to Naples and the stunning Amalfi Coast.

Naples is a loud, bustling, and somewhat dirty city but is absolutely worth the visit because of its authenticity. There you’ll find incredible pizza and other Italian food, beautiful Italian architecture, and its prime location- it’s very close to the historic Pompeii and the breathtaking views of the Amalfi Coast. If you have a few days in Naples, I highly recommend doing these three things:

1) Eat copious amounts of delicious and authentic pizza and get lost in the streets of Naples

One of my absolute favorite things about Naples is the delicious food. Naples is the birthplace of pizza, and it has no shortage of it. The pizza I ate in Naples was fantastic- easily the best pizza I’ve ever eaten. While there are some extremely famous pizza places in Naples, like L'Antica Pizzeria da Michele where Liz Gilbert ate in Eat Pray Love, I’d also recommend wandering the streets of Naples and finding a small, local joint outside of the touristy areas of the city. There you’re going to find delicious and authentic pizza for the cheapest. And my fellow vegans need not fret, pretty much every pizza place offers pizza marinara, a classic cheese-less pizza that I ate at almost every meal. Overall, the most incredible and authentic food can be found in Naples, so spend some time exploring the gorgeous streets of Naples and finding a local pizza place.

2) Spend a day exploring Pompeii (and Mount Vesuvius)

Another incredible thing about Naples is its proximity to the historic Pompeii, the 2,000-year-old city preserved by lava due to Mount Vesuvius’s eruption. It’s very easy to take the train there, and you can also take bus up to Mount Vesuvius if time allows. Not only is Pompeii extremely historic, and it’s phenomenal to learn about how the people there lived, the preserved buildings on a gorgeous landscape make it a sight to see.

3) Take a train to Sorrento and go see the gorgeous sites of the Amalfi Coast

Heading up to Sorrento or other beautiful cities along the Amalfi Coast is on the top of my list of things you must do while visiting Naples. Sorrento is a gorgeous, picturesque city with stunning views. Also, you can take a ferry to Capri from here! While Sorrento is a bit touristy, it’s well worth it to pay it a visit and bask in the gorgeous views of the Amalfi Coast. 

Overall, my weekend in Naples and on the Amalfi Coast was incredible and left me longing to go back. This is my list of must-do things when visiting, and while simple you will not be disappointed. I’d highly recommend visiting for a few days (or more!) if you find yourself in Italy.

Follow along with my travels on my Instagram!

My Tips on How to Move to a New Country

I’ve made the decision to move to France two times. The first time was during university when I decided to do an exchange program in Nantes for 5 months. The second time was this past fall, when I moved outside of Paris to work as an English language assistant. This was a lot less organized and therefore a lot scarier, however, it has been just as rewarding as moving to Nantes (maybe even more so because I’ve FINALLY mastered public transit in such a big city). While I had traveled a lot before this and even had spent a month in France during a shorter study program, it is totally possible to travel or move to another country without having done it before.

Here are my tips on doing just that (and be sure to check out my video that goes along with this post)-

1) Decide where you want to go

Maybe there’s a place you’ve always wanted to go, or maybe you have just been dying to travel and want to go somewhere for a long period of time. In my opinion, the best way to travel is to be really submerged in a culture. While the primary way I’ve traveled is spending only a few days in many different cities, I think the most impactful way to travel is to spend an extended amount of time in one place. Even if you only go for a few months, you will be able to be fully be submerged in where you are.

2) Decide that you want to go and do everything you can to make it a reality

The most important step is to decide that you are going and do everything you can to make it a reality. Instead of saying “I would love to this if…”, MAKE. A. PLAN. Start saving money. Start telling people close to you about your idea (word of warning: only tell people who will support you, not try to convince you of reasons why you shouldn’t). Start to think of when you want to make this move and for how long, if not indefinitely.

3) Brainstorm ideas of how to get there

If you’re planning to go to a country for more than a few months, chances are you’ll need a visa. There are many ways to get a visa, but the most common include student visas or temporary working visas. Of course, it depends on the country, but I recommend doing research on the country where you want to go and finding a study or work program to make it easier. If you’re still in university, I HIGHLY recommend studying abroad, and I recommend studying abroad for as long as possible. I initially went to a summer program in France, and then I liked it so much I decided to major in French and return for a whole semester, and then I liked that so much, I returned indefinitely! Another good way to get a visa and earn some money for living in another country is to be an English teacher. A lot of countries are looking for English teachers, and a lot of these programs that hire English teachers don’t look for previous teaching experience. And of course, another great way to go abroad is to see if your current employer or even field of work has opportunities for you to work abroad.

4) Create a time frame for when you want to go

Once you know what kind of visa you want to travel with (or none at all!), you can create a time frame for when you want to go and start making a plan for when you want to go and how long you will stay and make the necessary plans in order to do so. Getting a visa can be a tedious process, especially for France, and it takes some planning. However it’s worth it, and with planning it should go rather smoothly.

5) Make your dream a reality

Moving to a new country can be very hard; I know from personal experience. However traveling and living somewhere new for at least a little while is an amazing experience, so once you’ve made your mind about going, it’ll be so worth it to stick to it and make your dream a reality. There are challenges you will face, but they will allow you to grow so much in the long run.

Some pictures of my travels and life abroad:

I hope these tips helped inspire you to make a big move to a new country or to travel for a while.

Follow along on my Instagram!

My Self-Development Starter Guide

I’ve always been a proponent of self-development, even without knowing it. I’ve always been obsessed with improving my health, and while that might have started as a way to change my appearance, it has evolved into something so much bigger than that. In early high school, I noticed how much my physical health was connected with how I felt mentally. I learned the importance of having a healthy diet and lifestyle and improve the mind-body connection. During university, I learned the importance of improving my mental health as well, and after a particular hard few months, I started diving in deep into the self-development world. Because of this, I’ve really been able to upgrade my mindset and make changes that have positively impacted my life and allowed me to start creating the life I’ve always dreamed of.

I know that the self-development world can be overwhelming. And to be completely frank, I thought a lot of it was bullshit for the longest time. However, by using small steps (and eventually really, really big steps) to improve my life, everything around me has completely changed. It can be stressful to dip your toe into the overwhelming world of self-development, but it is so, so worth it, and eventually you might even find yourself being fully submerged into it like I was.

Below I have put together some resources that have helped me improve my life and will hopefully will help you make improvements as well. These books, videos, and documentaries can help you dive into the world of self-development and maybe even change your life.


In my opinion, I think books can be the most effective way to change your life. While this list is not long- I will make a more in-depth list of books that changed my life (so stay-tuned!)- I included the two books and authors who helped me get hooked on self-development and bettering my life.

  • You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero- This book changed my life. Hands down, this is the most transformative book I have ever read. When I first read the back of this book in Barnes and Noble during university, I was immediately interested by then rode it off because Sincero had no background in psychology, and as a psych major I thought that this was a must for anyone giving life advice. However after reading the book a few year later after having a difficult few months, I realized how many positive psychology principles this book actually uses. This book made me a believer in the Law of Attraction, and it made me believe I am capable of achieving everything I set my mind to. I HIGHLY recommend this book and also You Are A Badass At Making Money and You Are A Badass Every day.

  • Add More ING to Your Life by Gabrielle Bernstein- This book is an old one, and I would recommend ANY of Gabrielle Bernstein’s books- especially her new one, Super Attractor- but I LOVE this book in particular because it gives you day-by-day steps to implementing positive change in your life. I bought in back in high school but didn’t read it until my freshman year of university and it helped pull me out of a really dark time.


YouTube is one of my favorite resources for a daily dose of self-development. The YouTubers listed below, and these videos in particular, are a great introduction to self-development, feeling great about yourself, and manifesting your dream life.

Check out my new video about self-development as well :)

Netflix Documentaries:

While Netflix can be an easy way to waste time, it can also be a great way to learn a lot of information as it has a lot of really good documentaries. The documentaries I’ve listed below are my favorite and have helped me level up my life.

  • Happy

  • Heal

  • Tony Robbins: I am not your Guru

  • Minimalism

  • The Secret

I hope you will utilize these resources to improve your life and learn about the importance of self-development and having belief in yourself. More recently, I have gotten into listening podcasts on my walks to and from work, so if you’re interested in knowing about my favorite podcasts, let me know and I will share those as well.

Thank you all for reading, and be sure to follow my Instagram to stay updated!

The Importance of Self-Love

As someone who is typically pretty confident, I had a tough summer and last few months when it came to self-image. I was going through a lot of changes and was in a tough place mentally, and I really let that take a toll on my confidence and amount of self-love. Since arriving in France, I’ve found myself being a lot kinder to myself, and that has had a tremendous positive effect on my confidence which has created a ripple effect in creating other positive changes in my life.

Self-love really is the secret sauce to feeling good and achieving everything you want in life- but not only the kind of self-love that is hyped up on Instagram and not only having self-love when you’re looking or feeling you’re best. Don’t get me wrong, these things are important, but the most important thing is to have self-love all the damn time. In fact, it’s most important to give yourself love when you’re not feeling your best.

It’s most important to love yourself when you feel badly about yourself. It’s most important to love yourself when you feel badly about your body. It’s most important to give yourself love when you are feeling bloated or just ate a lot of junk food or drank too much. It’s most important to love yourself when you’re crying and upset and feel like everything is going wrong. It’s most important to love yourself when you’ve made a mistake or gotten in a fight with a loved one or failed at something. It’s loving yourself and being kind to yourself and knowing you’re still worthy of love and respect when you’re at your worst.

Because that’s the thing, no matter how much it appears that someone has their life together and are achieving everything they want to achieve, they still have hard moments where it seems like nothing is going right. The important thing is to stop the negative train of thinking as soon as it starts, or as soon as possible, and come back to a place of having love and kindness and respect for yourself.

Self-Love Exercise: While my video for my self-love tips is in the works (stay-tuned!), a good exercise to work on loving yourself more is to write a list of things you love about yourself every day. I wrote a while back in the post Balancing Big Future Plans with Enjoying the Moment about the importance of cultivating gratitude and writing a daily gratitude list. In addition to writing a gratitude list, add on a self-love list to your daily routine, and watch how your perspective about life and about yourself changes.

My Guide to Madrid, Spain- My Must-Sees for a Perfect Weekend Trip

Back in March, I took a weekend trip to Madrid from France, and to do this day, it remains one of my favorite cities I’ve visited in Europe. While I was only there for a couple of days, I had an absolutely remarkable time.

Recently, I had a friend reach out and ask for recommendations of things I did in Madrid, and that inspired me to write a little article about some fantastic things to do in the city- including a lot of great restaurants with loads of healthy and vegan options.

Things to do and see:

Park El Retiro- This was by far my favorite place I visited in Madrid. It is a stunning and HUGE park with so many different things to do and see there. There’s a big fountain area where people can rent boats, a gorgeous conservatory called the Crystal Palace, and there are gardens and flowers everywhere. Since we were traveling with a friend who was living there at the time, she showed us a smaller area of the park where peacocks live.

 Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía- If you like modern art or are a fan of Pablo Picasso, then you must go to this art museum. There were so many amazing pieces by modernists there, including one of Picasso’s most famous paintings, La Guernica, which depicted the Spanish War.

Teatro Kapital- Kapital is a 9-story nightclub in the city center of Madrid. It claims to be the biggest club in Europe! Even though I am not always a huge fan of clubs, I very much enjoyed myself here as the cover fee (17 Euros) included two free drinks and each different level of the club had a different type of music. Also, at least on the night I went, I didn’t think there were a lot of creepy men there, which is always a huge perk especially when it comes to nightclubs.

Wandering the streets of Madrid- Wandering the streets of Madrid was one of my absolute favorite things to do during my time there, as it is in most cities. The Spanish architecture is gorgeous, and I had a fantastic time exploring this city.

Places to eat:

Honest Greens- To do this day, Honest Greens remains one of my favorite restaurants if not my favorite restaurant. It is known for making healthy dishes delicious, and of course there were lots of vegan options here. I have considered returning to Madrid just to go back to this restaurant.

 Federal Café- This café was an extremely cute brunch spot that again had many healthy and vegan options. It was delicious, and the ambiance was absolutely superb.

Delish Vegan Donut Shop- Vegan donuts are easier and easier to come by nowadays, but finding vegan donuts that taste like original, fluffy Krispy-Kreme-esque glazed donuts are difficult to find. This donut shop, located just a few blocks from Federal Café, was completely vegan and had so many varieties of donuts, all of which were huge and fluffy. I stuck to the classic glazed donut, and it did not disappoint. In fact, I was surprised it was vegan!

 Overall, my trip to Madrid was BEAUTIFUL, and it’s definitely a city I’m longing to go back to. Thanks for reading, and follow my Instagram for more up-to-date travel posts!



My Travel Guide to Nantes, France- One of My Favorite Cities of All Time!

I’ve been meaning to make this post for quite some time now, as Nantes is where I studied all of last semester, and it’s a city that I love. I’ve been back for two weeks over my fall break and it’s been so nice to be in a place that I am familiar with. Paris is a very interesting and lively city to live in, but it is very difficult to get used to. Regardless, I am finally getting to know the city, and I’ll be making a post for my must-see things in Paris soon!

Nantes is an excellent place to visit in France, it’s not touristy at all, and there is amazing French architecture (which is my favorite thing about French culture). I’d highly recommend going here while traveling Europe to see a quintessential French city with a rich history. There are excellent places to eat, and loads of things to see. It’s also extremely easy to walk from destination to destination, as most of them are in the city center- which is absolutely gorgeous in and of itself.

While I could go on and on about my favorite things to do in Nantes, I’ll narrow it down to my top 10 must-see sites in the city:

1) City Center of Nantes- Commerce Area

The city center of Nantes is so, extremely gorgeous and is the hub of beautiful, old French architecture. Also, from the city center of Nantes, it’s quite easy to get to all of the places listed below.


2) Chateau des Ducs de Bretagne- The Castle of the Dukes of Brittany

The castle of Nantes is one of the most spectacular views of the city. You can just walk around and take in the beautiful sites of the castle, or there’s a museum of the history of Nantes instead- which is a spectacular museum to get to know the rich history of the city.


3) Cathedral of Nantes

 The Cathedral of Nantes is also a must-see. Located very close to the castle, it is one the beautifully-constructed gothic cathedrals France is famous for.


4) Saint Nicolas Church & Place Royale

Saint Nicolas is my favorite church in Nantes. It’s extremely gorgeous, and the view of it from Place Royale, a square in the city center with a beautiful fountain, is breathtaking. 


5) Jardin de Plantes

 Another one of my favorite parts of France are the beautiful gardens. The Jardin de Plantes is one of the biggest gardens in Nantes, and it’s absolutely stunning, especially during the springtime. 


6) Passage Pommeraye

The Passage Pommeraye is a beautiful, shopping center in Nantes that was built in the 1800’s and also is, so extremely beautiful.  

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7) Le Nid

 Le Nid, which translates to “The Nest”,  is a bar on the top level of a building called the Tour de Bretagne, the tallest building in Nantes. From Le Nid, you can see spectacular views of Nantes from above. Also, there are paintings of eggs on the tops of buildings which can be seen from the bar, and corresponds with the bar’s name.


8) The Erdre River

Walking along the Erdre River is one of my favorite things to do in Nantes. Located just 10 minutes from the city center, the river is lined with boats and trails to walk along. It’s especially gorgeous during autumn.


9) Jardin Japonais

 The Jardin Japonais (The Japanese Gardens) is located on a little island, the Island of Versailles, in the River Erdre. Again, located not far from the city center, the garden is small but is very beautiful.


10)  Trentemoult

 Trentemoult is easily my favorite part of Nantes. It’s a gorgeous, old fisherman’s village located on the Loire River. The village is adorned with beautiful and colorful buildings, and is so, extremely charming.


Thank you so much for following along, and check out my Instagram for more of my travels!


My Transition Back to France

Hello, I’m back in France and so excited to be back blogging and posting more and more about travel, health, and self-development. I arrived in France a little over a month ago, and have been adjusting to my new routine. The first few weeks were quite stressful, and I can’t say that I handled it all too well. As most people know, starting a new job, moving, or living in a new place (especially a new country) can be stressful, and having to navigate all three at the same time was really tough. However, I am so grateful to be living in France, especially right outside of Paris. I’ve also already met so many fantastic people as well through the TAPIF program, and I’m so happy to have others who are in the same situation, and to have others help navigate and explore the huge city that is Paris.

Moving to Paris has been stressful, but I’ve already seen and done so many amazing things here:

In difficult times or times of change, I find it much more difficult to handle stress. I’m trying to teach myself to better deal with stress, because life is so much more tedious and difficult when you focus so much of your energy on it. Cultivating gratitude and being present in each moment allows for us to really focus on what’s going well, and put things back in perspective instead of spiraling out of control. Taking time to breathe, as simple as it sounds, can be an extremely useful tool.

Additionally, work has been going pretty well. Teaching is something that is a little bit outside my domain, but I have had a lot of experience working with other students. I’m also passionate about learning other languages and cultures, and my main focus through my job is to get students speaking in English and learning about American culture, so I do find it rewarding.

The gorgeous sights of my town and my views on my walk to work:

Also, for the past week and a half, we have been on break from school. France takes their school and work holidays VERY seriously- hence the two week break already. I am spending the whole break in Nantes with my boyfriend, which has been so nice. I got really sick during the beginning of break as I had a terrible cold (probably from all the stress), so it is so great to be here to relax and heal. I’ve also used this time to do some serious mindset work and refocus my goals, as well as to start my grad school applications. Every day, I’ve been doing yoga, meditating, journaling, and creating ways to put my goals into action. Even though I’ve taken a lot of time to rest and HEAL- which has definitely been necessary- I’ve still gotten so much done, and have been practicing so much self-compassion. Taking time to rest is often looked down upon in our culture, but it is so important, especially in times of stress or sickness.

I’m so happy to be spending my break here, Nantes in the fall is stunning:

Going forward, I’m very excited to implementing these routines into my daily life, in addition to teaching. I have a lot of things to accomplish on the horizon, and I’m so excited to do just that.

Thank you for reading, and be sure to check out my Instagram!

The Best Mindset Hack to Upgrade Your Diet

When I first went vegan over 5 years ago, it was much easier to eat healthy, as the majority of vegan food out on the market was plant-based, whole foods. As veganism has grown- which truly is a wonderful, wonderful thing- there are more and more vegan products offered on the market. However, not all of these products are the best for our health. 

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE some good vegan junk food from time to time, but I noticed that the longer I was vegan and the more processed vegan food that was offered, the less healthy I felt. I began to develop an unhealthy relationship with food- not unlike before I went vegan. I had also begun to adopt the mindset that because something was vegan, no matter what it was, I could eat A LOT of it, which naturally caused my weight to fluctuate. And then of course, I would count calories or try to go on a diet in order to stop this, which always ended in failure as I was never listening to my body.

A little over a month ago, I made a big move to France, where the culture around food is vastly different. Because there aren’t as many vegans here, vegan alternatives are much harder to come by. However upon arrival, I still found myself overdoing the pastas and the breads, which left me equally feeling less-than-stellar and often sluggish. One day a few weeks ago, I found myself feeling particularly bad, and knew something needed to change. A few hours later, I listened to a podcast, featuring Dr. Christian Gonzalez, that sparked a complete shift in my food mindset.

These might sound simple, but truly are SO important. Here are the mindset shifts I’ve experienced in the last few weeks that have made me feel so much better:

  • Instead of eating to look a certain way or to lose weight, focus on eating to promote health, to prevent diseases, and to truly feel good from the inside out.

  •  Eat to feel healthy and GOOD- focus on eating to feel the best as you possibly can, instead of focusing on weight-loss and looking a certain way.

  • To feel amazing both physically AND mentally, it is NECESSARY to have a good diet that consists of mostly plants and whole foods.

  •  Radiate health from the inside out, and do that it is necessary to have a good diet.

  • Act as if you are already the healthiest, fittest version of yourself- How would you feel? What would you eat to make you feel this way? 

Living this way has already made me feel so much better, and here are the simple shifts I’ve made in my diet to align myself with this mindset:

  • Eat a mostly, plant-based, whole foods diet: cut out animal products and eat mostly plants. 60-80% of your plate should be whole, plant foods. These include fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Eating foods that are high in fiber are essential to being in optimal health. Eating plant-based, whole foods also helps gut health and brain health which are both essential to feeling your best.

  • Go light on the processed foods, bread, pastas, etc. With processed foods such as these, go with a whole grain or organic variety, but don’t overdo it- again plants should take up 60-80% of your plate.

  • Include healthy, plant-based protein, fat, and carbs at every meal to feel the best possible and stay full for a longer period of time.

Most importantly, don’t be too hard on yourself, and practice self-compassion! No one is perfect all the time, and food is meant to be enjoyed. Not associating food with guilt is essential to having a healthy mindset surrounding your diet, and it’s so important to treat yourself as well. Listening to your body is the most important thing.

Here are some of my favorite meals from the past few weeks: lentil pasta with spinach and vegan pesto, and then different breakfast/ brunch plates with whole-grain baguette with seeds, veggies, and fruit.

I’m not a registered dietician, and this advice is solely based on my own research and experience. Check out my favorite experts on this subject- Dr. Christian Gonzalez and Desiree Nielsen, RD.

Thank you so much for stopping by, and check out my Instagram for more posts about health and wellness!

The End of My Semester, Time at Home, & Planning for My Move Abroad

Hello, it’s been a while! I apologize for my absence in posting, but the last few months have been an absolute whirlwind, and honestly- I’ve been a little scared to finally commit to blogging. However, I’ve spent a large part of my almost 22 years traveling, I have a passion for maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle, and I really want to share my experience, thoughts, and advice with those who are interested.

Plus, I’m also currently in the process of moving to another continent and want to share my insight as it can be tough, through the physical process of getting a visa, purchasing a plane ticket, finding housing, navigating a country in a second language, etc., but also mentally. It takes a sort of mental toughness to pursue our biggest goals in this life, and it’s something that takes a lot of practice and persistence. We have to choose to go after what we want, every day.

And as I shared in my recent post Balancing Big Future Plans with Enjoying the Moment, I’m excited to start my job as an English teaching assistant in France- in a town about 45 minutes outside of Paris. With this big move comes a lot of anxiety, and this summer back home has been difficult yet I am still so grateful. I am grateful to have gotten to travel around Europe during my last semester of university, and I am happy to get to spend a few months at home with my family, friends, and pets while enjoying some of my favorite places- yes, Nebraska does in fact still have some of my favorite coffee shops, restaurants, and stores.

I am eager to see what next year will hold, as I am confident I will continue to travel whenever possible, but until then- and since I haven’t posted in a while- I want to reflect on some of my favorite travel spots I visited during the spring.

I posted about London, Milan, Brussels, Basel, and Madrid already- all of which I had a great time visiting- but some of the more recent spots I hit during the end of my semester abroad were Stockholm, Budapest, Prague, Venice, Greece, and Carnac, France, a city a few hours north of Nantes where I went with my boyfriend during the last few days I spent in Europe.

Check out some of my favorite photos down below to see what I experienced!


I absolutely loved Stockholm with its pristine nature and copious amounts of vegan food. Sweden is the home of oat milk, so oat milk lattés were not hard to come by. Despite the frigid temperatures- even in April- Stockholm was fantastic and left me longing to return to Sweden.


Budapest was one of the most picturesque places I’ve visited, with stunning architecture and a plethora of things to do and see.


Prague also had a certain charm to it, and it turned out to be an extremely hip city as well. Eastern European cities have their own sort of ambiance and beautiful architecture.


While Venice was a little overcrowded for my taste, it did in fact have the stunning canals that everyone speaks about, and getting lost on the winding streets was like a dream.

Santorini, Mykonos, & Athens

Greece was absolutely one of my favorite trips from the semester. We saw the most incredible views in Santorini, took a fantastic boat trip around the island, and drank local wine from a gorgeous winery with incredible views. Mykonos had picturesque streets with beautiful white buildings and gorgeous bright flowers coming off of them. While Athens wasn’t my favorite, I found the best vegan Greek food- just three minutes from our Airbnb.


This beautiful little beach town in France yielded the most stunning sunsets and a very relaxing get away. We found a little organic co-op close to our Airbnb and were able to put together the most delicious meals. Overall, a wonderful way to end my semester.


Here are some more of my favorite photos from Nantes, the place I called home for the semester. France is gorgeous in the spring time- and in Nantes spring lasts a whole three or four months- very unlike the Midwest. That along with the quintessential French architecture made it a beautiful semester, and I am so excited to return in the fall.

Follow along on Instagram for some more frequent updates!

Balancing Big Future Plans with Enjoying the Moment

Wow. It’s been a while. Quick update: I’m back in the United States and enjoying my summer at home in Nebraska before going back to France for my new job in September. I’ve been accepted as a language teaching assistant through the TAPIF program. Essentially I will be helping middle and high school French students learn English, and I will be working at two schools about 45 minutes out of Paris, which is very exciting news! It’s a great way to spend another year in France, and living in Paris has always been my dream. My four-year-old self was always adorned in attire with little Eiffel towers, and I consistently received little Parisian decor as gifts, so the fact that my lifelong dream is finally becoming a reality is surreal.

I’ve loved being home and spending time with my family and friends this past month, and it’s also been nice to have some stability after constantly moving around and being on the go for six months. I’m also very much enjoying my little American luxuries (such as air conditioning and readily-available vegan food). Being home this summer is exactly what I needed, however it hasn’t been completely sunny. Both before leaving Europe and the month or so after I arrived back home (honestly, even sometimes now) have been a bit tumultuous. Experiencing so much change in my life was difficult. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t change my semester abroad or moving back to France for the world, but being in a state of flux as a post-graduate, especially as a post-graduate moving in-between continents, hasn’t been extremely easy. Unfortunately, I think being at my current age and stage in life can be synonymous with having copious amounts of self-doubt. 

To combat this ever-present sense of self-doubt, I decided to delete my social media for a couple weeks to connect with myself, focus on my health (both physical and mental), and spend some time preparing for my move to France in September. Stay tuned for tips on planning for a BIG trip- because I have lots of information to share on this subject. Also, in regard to anxiety about upcoming life changes, I will leave you with one piece of advice for now: whether or not you worry about it, you will get everything you need to done, and everything that needs to happen, will. I’ve spent the last few months stressing about virtually everything in my life, when instead I could’ve gotten the same amount done- without the stress.

Being grateful for where you’re at is also essential to letting go of stress and anxiety, and it’s possible to be grateful for wherever you are. I am so thankful for my time spent abroad, and all the travels I’ve done over the last six months and also so extremely thankful for my time spent at home in Nebraska, seeing my family (and dogs) everyday, eating my favorite food and going to my favorite coffee shops, and taking time to really appreciate the town I grew up in. This time in our lives can be stressful and overwhelming and sometimes feel unbearable, but by cultivating gratitude each day you can really stop and feel the joy around you.

Here are some easy ways to cultivate gratitude:

  • Keep a gratitude a journal. This might be overused advice but I promise, it works. By taking 5-10 minutes to write what you’re grateful for every day, you are truly able to put yourself in a positive mindset and focus on all the good in your life.

  • Tell people you’re grateful for them. Every once in a while, take some time and text or call some important people in your life and tell them you’re grateful for them or appreciate them and why. It’ll mean more to them than you know, I promise.

  • If you find yourself in a negative mindset and thinking about everything that is going wrong or focusing on all the small annoyances, take some time and think about what’s going right instead. You can do this anywhere. For example, if you’re driving and someone cuts you off or you’re stuck in traffic, instead of getting angry (as I used to, and sometimes STILL do), think about all the other positive aspects of your situation or day instead. Focus on how beautiful and sunny it is outside, how great the music is that you’re listening to, how good your lunch or morning coffee was, or how excited you are for yoga or your workout this evening. It might feel stupid at first, but cultivating little moments of joy and gratitude throughout your day will improve it overall, I promise.  

I always take time to write my gratitude list with my morning coffee and/ or breakfast! It’s a great way to start the day.

I always take time to write my gratitude list with my morning coffee and/ or breakfast! It’s a great way to start the day.

If you’re not a naturally positive person, this might not come extremely easy to you, or it might seem completely arbitrary and unimportant. However, focusing on the good in your life is so much more rewarding than focusing on the bad. Getting hung up on every small worry or inconvenience is exhausting and draining, trust me, I’ve been at this point in my life too- even recently. Focusing on the good things and what is going right in your day will be a magnet to attract more of that into your life.

Madrid, Upcoming Changes

After my beautiful weekend in Switzerland, I had another week in Nantes before jetting off to my next destination: Madrid. Madrid was one of my absolute FAVORITE weekend trips. We were graced with the perfect weather on Saturday- sunny and 75 degrees- so we spent the whole day exploring the city in absolute bliss. We wandered the streets of Madrid in beautiful sunshine and explored the gorgeous Parque del Buen Retiro, the biggest park in Madrid and the prettiest city park I’ve ever been to, and I LOVE parks.


I was also traveling with the most amazing traveling buddies: Stephanie, of course, my amazing Australian friend Jorgia who also is living in Nantes (and that I happened to meet in a mall because she overheard Stephanie and I speaking English), and Morgan, a good friend of Stephanie’s from her university in the U.S. who is currently studying in Madrid for the year. Because Morgan currently lives there, she spent the whole weekend with us, showing us around and taking us to SPECTACULAR food places, with loads and loads of delicious vegan options. These beautiful, beautiful friends, made my trip so fantastic.


Madrid is an absolutely STUNNING city, and absolute must see in Europe- I’d personally choose Madrid over Barcelona any day. My choice of cities in Spain aside, being around my inspiring female friends who are so driven and self-assured really got me thinking about my future. We also all spent some time reminiscing about things we miss back home, which made me quite a bit homesick upon returning to Nantes. Because everything has been so up in the air for me, thinking about moving to Europe FOR REAL has become scarier and scarier. I am also the kind of person who always plans ahead, so not having a clear plan was really getting to me- being in your young 20’s can be a rough age sometimes.

Despite this being a confusing time for me (and other almost college graduates), this is also a really fantastic age to do exactly what you want and to pursue your dreams unapologetically. I know my situation is different than others, and not everyone has the luxury to study abroad or travel or take time to figure out their plans for the future, but it is so important to spend time in your young twenties to connect with yourself and get clear on the vision you want for your life and then to pursue it. I’m currently on spring break traveling alone in Sweden, and it’s given me the perfect opportunity to reflect, make plans, and most of all feel so extremely grateful for all the opportunities in my life. Speaking of which, I have a big announcement coming soon… Until then, remember that you have the ability to create your dream life and achieve your BIG goals.

Stay tuned for more announcements to come, and follow my Instagram for more frequent updates!

Daily Life in Nantes, My Best Friend’s Visit, & Visiting Paris and Switzerland

International’s Women’s Day, International Day of Happiness, the first day of spring…. March sure has been an eventful month so far. The month started off with my best friend’s visit! Lindsey and I met up in Paris with her friend Alli (and now my friend too!), and we had a grand old time playing tourist in one of my favorite cities. Plus I got to experience Lindsey’s first time in Europe with her! It was a quick trip to Paris, but overall very, very fun. I also got to eat my first croissant since I’ve been vegan (aka my first croissant in 5 years) at this amazing vegan bakery in Paris called Cloud Cakes. Despite a bumpy trip back to Nantes, and a major lack of sleep, Paris was a success.

My wonderful companions in Paris. It’s always so inspiring to be around strong and driven women- especially while celebrating International Women’s Day!

My wonderful companions in Paris. It’s always so inspiring to be around strong and driven women- especially while celebrating International Women’s Day!

Vegan croissant and vegan chocolate peanut butter muffin… so, so delicious!

Vegan croissant and vegan chocolate peanut butter muffin… so, so delicious!

It was also so much fun to show my best friend around Nantes: to show her French culture and my life here! I love living here so much, and it was so much fun to get to share that! The weather was rainy and cold, which made our trips to get oat milk lattes from Starbucks frequent, but nonetheless it was so much fun to spend the week together.


I will say, however, how strange it can be to mix my life from back home with my life here in Nantes. I also felt this way when my parents visited- and this is in no way a reflection of them, but rather a reflection of some personal changes that I’ve been going through since I’ve moved to France. I love living here so much, and I am planning on coming back here (France) to live indefinitely in the very near future (more updates to come on this). This being said, it has been difficult for me to adjust to these big changes, and to figure out just exactly how to balance my life back home with my life here, especially because I’ve changed so much in these last few months.

My big life changes aside, my daily life in Nantes is superb. Each day usually consists of going to class in the morning, coming home and working on my blog/ doing homework/ planning trips/ tying up loose ends with things back home and at UNO, and then going to spend some time exploring the city or hanging out in one of the beautiful parks here in Nantes before going to the gym, and then coming home to relax or see friends in the evening. It’s a pretty good daily routine, filled with lots of walking, time spent outdoors, creativity, and delicious and healthy vegan food (and coffee, lots of coffee).

Nantes in the Springtime is so beautiful. This photo was taken at the Chateau des Ducs de Bretagne; it’s always so surreal to get to walk by this beautiful castle that casually sits in downtown Nantes.

Nantes in the Springtime is so beautiful. This photo was taken at the Chateau des Ducs de Bretagne; it’s always so surreal to get to walk by this beautiful castle that casually sits in downtown Nantes.


I stayed in Nantes a lot during the beginning of March, but this past weekend I traveled to Basel, Switzerland with my favorite travel buddy, Stephanie (the main person I’ve taken trips with since I’ve been here!). We had an amazing albeit low-key weekend exploring the sites of Basel which mostly consisted of walking, and sitting, by the beautiful river. We stayed at a very nice hostel as well however were a little sleep deprived due to our very loud, snoring hostel roommates, including one who slept in my bed- forcing me to change beds at 11 PM in the dark. Despite a few interesting guests, we still managed to make some friends in Basel, and thoroughly enjoyed our time in the beautiful Swiss sunshine. Switzerland in springtime was a definite win, overall.

The views in Switzerland were spectacular- we spent a lot of time by the river, and had some fantastic picnics there. Pro tip: grocery shopping in Switzerland is much more affordable than going out to restaurants!

The views in Switzerland were spectacular- we spent a lot of time by the river, and had some fantastic picnics there. Pro tip: grocery shopping in Switzerland is much more affordable than going out to restaurants!


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Embracing Change

Being a senior in college is difficult. Being a senior in college and being halfway across the world from my home university is even more difficult. Don’t get me wrong, I am so extremely grateful to be here in Nantes, and to be learning and speaking French everyday, and traveling every weekend, but it’s not always the easiest thing in the world to try and figure out your future when your perspective has completely changed, and when your goals are completely different than they were two years ago, or even 6 months ago.

I knew being in France would change my perspective, and I’m so glad I decided to take a year before rushing into grad school- I almost decided on applying for a 5-year doctoral program before coming here- which is very different than what I want now. If anything, being in France has made me more clear on the goals I have, although they take me further away from the “traditional route” of going to grad school right away or applying to 9 to 5 job before college is even over, which to me, is terrifying. I know I’m meant to have a career that allows me to help others be healthier and happier, to inspire people to go after their dream life, and to find meaning and joy in every day. These big goals are scary, but it is so, so essential that you don’t let your fear hold you back from making a big change that will benefit you in the long run, or push you closer to living your dream life.

One of my recent posts on my Instagram, expresses just that:

Lately I’ve been scared- scared of how much my life has changed over the last few months and scared of how much it will change in the next year (I’m almost a college graduate ??? ). I’ve been scared of embracing this change and continuing to go after my goals and scared to accept this new version of myself. Changing and growing is always going to be a part of life, and it’s so important to not let yourself hold you back. Don’t be afraid to embrace change, to see the beauty in every day (and it’s pretty easy to do in this beautiful place), and to let love in. All these things are what make life worth living.

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