Embracing Change

Being a senior in college is difficult. Being a senior in college and being halfway across the world from my home university is even more difficult. Don’t get me wrong, I am so extremely grateful to be here in Nantes, and to be learning and speaking French everyday, and traveling every weekend, but it’s not always the easiest thing in the world to try and figure out your future when your perspective has completely changed, and when your goals are completely different than they were two years ago, or even 6 months ago.

I knew being in France would change my perspective, and I’m so glad I decided to take a year before rushing into grad school- I almost decided on applying for a 5-year doctoral program before coming here- which is very different than what I want now. If anything, being in France has made me more clear on the goals I have, although they take me further away from the “traditional route” of going to grad school right away or applying to 9 to 5 job before college is even over, which to me, is terrifying. I know I’m meant to have a career that allows me to help others be healthier and happier, to inspire people to go after their dream life, and to find meaning and joy in every day. These big goals are scary, but it is so, so essential that you don’t let your fear hold you back from making a big change that will benefit you in the long run, or push you closer to living your dream life.

One of my recent posts on my Instagram, expresses just that:

Lately I’ve been scared- scared of how much my life has changed over the last few months and scared of how much it will change in the next year (I’m almost a college graduate ??? ). I’ve been scared of embracing this change and continuing to go after my goals and scared to accept this new version of myself. Changing and growing is always going to be a part of life, and it’s so important to not let yourself hold you back. Don’t be afraid to embrace change, to see the beauty in every day (and it’s pretty easy to do in this beautiful place), and to let love in. All these things are what make life worth living.

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