My Guide to Visiting Belgium in Three Days  

Hello! Earlier this month I visited Belgium for the first time, and had an amazing stay. I was only in Belgium for three days, but even given that short amount of time, I was able to see a lot. Here are my tips for making your time in Belgium count and to taking advantage of your time there!

1) Explore nearby cities (I went to the beautiful Ghent!)

We flew into Brussels, and stayed each night there. Because Belgium is a small country, it’s pretty easy to see a lot of the country even while staying in Brussels. This leads me to my first tip, which is to get out of the city for one day (or two, if possible!) to go explore nearby cities. Bruges is a really popular tourist destination and located about an hour outside of Brussels- I’ve never been but I’ve heard it’s beautiful albeit very touristy. Ghent is supposed to have a more authentic Belgian feel, and is a very beautiful city with a gorgeous canal and stunning architecture. When we visited, we got food to go and sat on the canal all day, as many locals do, and it was PERFECT.


2) Take a tour of the city of Brussels

While in Brussels, we took another free walking tour (“free” NOT including tip) and saw all the major sites of Brussels in about three hours. I would highly recommend doing a tour like this, because it is extremely easy to walk to all the major attractions of Brussels from the city center- and can definitely be done in one day! Spend one day taking a tour, and then take another day to just relax, wander the streets, and take in the Belgian culture.

Make sure to visit the Grand-Place!

Make sure to visit the Grand-Place!

3) Enjoy the beautiful mélange that is Belgian culture

Belgium is a perfect mix of French and Dutch culture, which makes for some stunning architecture, delicious local cuisine, and an interesting variety people who both live there, and visit.

Go wander around the streets, drink coffee and chat up locals (everyone’s English is PERFECT), or grab a beer at a bar- the locals will be more than happy to give you recommendations.

Belgium also has great vegan options, but food did tend to be a bit pricier!

Belgium also has great vegan options, but food did tend to be a bit pricier!

The beautiful streets of Brussels

The beautiful streets of Brussels