Tips for Staying Healthy During the Bizarre Summer of 2020

The summer of 2020 will be like none that we have ever seen before. It is an uncertain time, and predicting what the world will be like in a few months is pretty difficult to do. Because of this, I have had to cancel a few trips- I am sure that I am not alone in this. While I feel extremely grateful, as I am in a safe environment and am healthy, there are many difficulties we are all collectively going through during this time.

Right now, it is essential to focus on what we can control. One of the most important things we can do is implement healthy habits that make us feel our best. Here are the tips that have helped me get through confinement and that have made me feel so good that I will continue to implement them into my routine. This post goes along with my most recent video on my YouTube channel. Be sure to check it out!

My tips for stay healthy during this (weird) summer:

Tip #1. Move your body and EXERCISE-

This summer it might be a bit harder to get active outside, but it is still so essential to find ways to move our bodies. I would recommend finding something you love to do because that way you are much more likely to stick to it! Also, since a lot of gyms are closed and it is better to practice social distancing right now, there are so many amazing online workout resources. Recently, I’ve been doing circuit training with the SWEAT app and the Yoga with Adrienne 30 day challenge called Home on YouTube. 

Tip #2. Eat healthy! Try and fill your plate with around 50% plants-

This tip is a bit of no-brainer, but eating healthy is so important to keep us feeling our best. During summer, it’s so much easier to get a plethora of fresh, local produce so let’s use that to our advantage! I always try and fill my plate with around 50% plants, and that’s much easier to do right now! Healthy, simple meals are a must for me during the summer. Also, don’t forget to take your vitamins to keep your immune system up!

Tip #3. Drink water-

Again, this is another no-brainer, but drinking water is so important, especially during the summer. Instead of going with the typical recommendation of 64 ounces of water per day, I’ve been aiming for 100 ounces or more, especially as the weather has been getting hotter and hotter. Drinking water is necessary to keeping your body at its healthiest.

Tip #4. Wear sunscreen-

This one is especially personal for me as I was diagnosed with melanoma about 4 years ago. I cannot stress enough how important it is to wear sunscreen every single day, especially in the summer and especially when spending time in direct sunlight. Not only in sunscreen essential for the safety of our skin, it also prevents against aging. I recommend getting a mineral sunscreen because mineral sunscreens are better for your skin and for the coral reefs (normal sunscreen has chemicals that are harmful to the ocean).

Tip #5. Go for a daily walk-

Going for a daily walk has also been extremely helpful for me in keeping my spirits lifted. I’ve loved being able to find beautiful walking trails or parks nearby and enjoy being outside. Another thing that I’m looking forward to this summer is finding remote hiking trails. Spending time and getting active in nature is amazing for both your physical and mental health. 

Tip #6. Spend an hour (or more) relaxing every day-

One of my commitments during confinement has been to meditate every day and spend at least an hour relaxing. When I’m feeling tired in the afternoon, I like to do a guided meditation or a guided hypnosis and spend some time listening to classical music and reading as well. Spending time in meditation and simply being mindful about relaxing every day has been a game-changer for me. By really allowing yourself to relax, you’re activating your parasympathetic nervous system and this has immense benefits for your health and your immune system.

Tip #7. Connect with family and friends-

Keeping up with our loved ones right now is so essential. This summer, we not have the opportunity to spend as much time with our friends or family as anticipated, but it is still necessary to be sure to keep up with them via FaceTime or Zoom. It’s not the same as being with them in person, no, but it is so important for our mental health to keep a supportive community around us. Even sending a quick text to say you love someone or keeping an ongoing group message with your best friends can brighten your mood- I know that’s been a lifesaver for me right now. We might not be able to go on all those fun family vacations or road trips with friends that we had planned, but staying close to those you love doesn’t have to be hard. Don’t isolate yourself.

I hope these tips help aid you in feeling your best both physically and mentally.

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