How to Use Scripting to Manifest Using the Law of Attraction

For me, the most powerful and useful method to call in my desires has been to use scripting. Scripting is essentially writing down your desires or goals, but doing so in the present tense so you can put yourself in the feeling of having already achieved them. This may sound weird to people who aren’t familiar with Law of Attraction or manifestation lingo, but think about it, psychologically it’s proven that you’re more likely to achieve something if you write it down. Scripting is basically a more elevated version of that.

This goes along with this YouTube video- check it out on my YouTube channel!


When you write down exactly what you want your life to be like and you do this in the present tense, you are picturing and envisioning your life in that way. This is also psychologically proven to work because of mirror neurons. Mirror neurons are neurons that fire both when a person is doing something and when a person is observing a behavior. This is why so many people who played sports in their past love watching sports on the television, because the same neurons fire when watching the sport as when actually playing it. Additionally, this is why so many athletes visualize themselves performing as “practice” for the competition. There have been countless studies done that show visualization is an extremely effective way to boost performance. Visualizing a certain situation or goal occurring in the best possible scenario allows for your neurons to fire in the same way they would if those events were actually occurring in your reality. Scripting is an effective way to tap into the feelings of your future life and visualize exactly what you want your life to look like. And when you visualize something, it’s more likely to happen.


The method I use to script is three steps. Firstly, I write down in bullet-point format every goal that I want to achieve in each area of my life. The categories that I use while scripting are Health and Wellness, Schooling/ Career and Finances, Living Situation/ Travel, Relationships, and Spirituality/ Self-Development.

The first step might look like this under the Health and Wellness category:

  • Run a half-marathon

  • Lift weights 4 times per week

  • Eat a plant-based diet

  • Feel healthier (physically and mentally) and have more energy

  • Be more confident

The second step is to re-write every one of your goals under each category into present tense using full sentences. This allows you to truly picture your ideal life.

The second step might look this:

  • I am so grateful for my healthy and fit body. I run 3 times a week and have worked my way up so I can now run 13.1 miles (or even more!) and it feels incredible. On top of that, I lift weights 4 times per week and feel stronger than ever before! I eat a plant-based, vegan diet and that makes me feel so healthy and energetic. Overall, I feel so healthy and confident every single day.

The third step is to pull action steps from the first two steps so you know exactly what action that you can take to make your vision into a reality.

The third step might look like this:

  • I wake up 1 hour earlier every morning before work to run or lift weights.

  • I meal prep on Sundays so I stick to a plant-based diet and can make incredible and healthy meals.

  • I say positive affirmations to myself every day to increase my confidence.

  • To feel even healthier, I drink at least 64 ounces of water per day and get at least 8 hours of sleep.

My examples of how to script were just that- examples. With this scripting method, you can tailor every single thing to you and your desires and the kind of life you want to live. By writing out (in present tense) everything you want to attract into your life, it puts you into the feeling of already having it and already living as your ideal self would. The action steps then created in step three can then help you know what action you need to be taking on a daily or weekly basis. If you’re feeling stuck, you can go back and re-read steps two and three to put yourself back into alignment with your future and figure out what steps you need to take- or more importantly who you need to be- to get your closer to that vision.

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