The Best Mindset Hack to Upgrade Your Diet

When I first went vegan over 5 years ago, it was much easier to eat healthy, as the majority of vegan food out on the market was plant-based, whole foods. As veganism has grown- which truly is a wonderful, wonderful thing- there are more and more vegan products offered on the market. However, not all of these products are the best for our health. 

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE some good vegan junk food from time to time, but I noticed that the longer I was vegan and the more processed vegan food that was offered, the less healthy I felt. I began to develop an unhealthy relationship with food- not unlike before I went vegan. I had also begun to adopt the mindset that because something was vegan, no matter what it was, I could eat A LOT of it, which naturally caused my weight to fluctuate. And then of course, I would count calories or try to go on a diet in order to stop this, which always ended in failure as I was never listening to my body.

A little over a month ago, I made a big move to France, where the culture around food is vastly different. Because there aren’t as many vegans here, vegan alternatives are much harder to come by. However upon arrival, I still found myself overdoing the pastas and the breads, which left me equally feeling less-than-stellar and often sluggish. One day a few weeks ago, I found myself feeling particularly bad, and knew something needed to change. A few hours later, I listened to a podcast, featuring Dr. Christian Gonzalez, that sparked a complete shift in my food mindset.

These might sound simple, but truly are SO important. Here are the mindset shifts I’ve experienced in the last few weeks that have made me feel so much better:

  • Instead of eating to look a certain way or to lose weight, focus on eating to promote health, to prevent diseases, and to truly feel good from the inside out.

  •  Eat to feel healthy and GOOD- focus on eating to feel the best as you possibly can, instead of focusing on weight-loss and looking a certain way.

  • To feel amazing both physically AND mentally, it is NECESSARY to have a good diet that consists of mostly plants and whole foods.

  •  Radiate health from the inside out, and do that it is necessary to have a good diet.

  • Act as if you are already the healthiest, fittest version of yourself- How would you feel? What would you eat to make you feel this way? 

Living this way has already made me feel so much better, and here are the simple shifts I’ve made in my diet to align myself with this mindset:

  • Eat a mostly, plant-based, whole foods diet: cut out animal products and eat mostly plants. 60-80% of your plate should be whole, plant foods. These include fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Eating foods that are high in fiber are essential to being in optimal health. Eating plant-based, whole foods also helps gut health and brain health which are both essential to feeling your best.

  • Go light on the processed foods, bread, pastas, etc. With processed foods such as these, go with a whole grain or organic variety, but don’t overdo it- again plants should take up 60-80% of your plate.

  • Include healthy, plant-based protein, fat, and carbs at every meal to feel the best possible and stay full for a longer period of time.

Most importantly, don’t be too hard on yourself, and practice self-compassion! No one is perfect all the time, and food is meant to be enjoyed. Not associating food with guilt is essential to having a healthy mindset surrounding your diet, and it’s so important to treat yourself as well. Listening to your body is the most important thing.

Here are some of my favorite meals from the past few weeks: lentil pasta with spinach and vegan pesto, and then different breakfast/ brunch plates with whole-grain baguette with seeds, veggies, and fruit.

I’m not a registered dietician, and this advice is solely based on my own research and experience. Check out my favorite experts on this subject- Dr. Christian Gonzalez and Desiree Nielsen, RD.

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