My Self-Development Starter Guide

I’ve always been a proponent of self-development, even without knowing it. I’ve always been obsessed with improving my health, and while that might have started as a way to change my appearance, it has evolved into something so much bigger than that. In early high school, I noticed how much my physical health was connected with how I felt mentally. I learned the importance of having a healthy diet and lifestyle and improve the mind-body connection. During university, I learned the importance of improving my mental health as well, and after a particular hard few months, I started diving in deep into the self-development world. Because of this, I’ve really been able to upgrade my mindset and make changes that have positively impacted my life and allowed me to start creating the life I’ve always dreamed of.

I know that the self-development world can be overwhelming. And to be completely frank, I thought a lot of it was bullshit for the longest time. However, by using small steps (and eventually really, really big steps) to improve my life, everything around me has completely changed. It can be stressful to dip your toe into the overwhelming world of self-development, but it is so, so worth it, and eventually you might even find yourself being fully submerged into it like I was.

Below I have put together some resources that have helped me improve my life and will hopefully will help you make improvements as well. These books, videos, and documentaries can help you dive into the world of self-development and maybe even change your life.


In my opinion, I think books can be the most effective way to change your life. While this list is not long- I will make a more in-depth list of books that changed my life (so stay-tuned!)- I included the two books and authors who helped me get hooked on self-development and bettering my life.

  • You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero- This book changed my life. Hands down, this is the most transformative book I have ever read. When I first read the back of this book in Barnes and Noble during university, I was immediately interested by then rode it off because Sincero had no background in psychology, and as a psych major I thought that this was a must for anyone giving life advice. However after reading the book a few year later after having a difficult few months, I realized how many positive psychology principles this book actually uses. This book made me a believer in the Law of Attraction, and it made me believe I am capable of achieving everything I set my mind to. I HIGHLY recommend this book and also You Are A Badass At Making Money and You Are A Badass Every day.

  • Add More ING to Your Life by Gabrielle Bernstein- This book is an old one, and I would recommend ANY of Gabrielle Bernstein’s books- especially her new one, Super Attractor- but I LOVE this book in particular because it gives you day-by-day steps to implementing positive change in your life. I bought in back in high school but didn’t read it until my freshman year of university and it helped pull me out of a really dark time.


YouTube is one of my favorite resources for a daily dose of self-development. The YouTubers listed below, and these videos in particular, are a great introduction to self-development, feeling great about yourself, and manifesting your dream life.

Check out my new video about self-development as well :)

Netflix Documentaries:

While Netflix can be an easy way to waste time, it can also be a great way to learn a lot of information as it has a lot of really good documentaries. The documentaries I’ve listed below are my favorite and have helped me level up my life.

  • Happy

  • Heal

  • Tony Robbins: I am not your Guru

  • Minimalism

  • The Secret

I hope you will utilize these resources to improve your life and learn about the importance of self-development and having belief in yourself. More recently, I have gotten into listening podcasts on my walks to and from work, so if you’re interested in knowing about my favorite podcasts, let me know and I will share those as well.

Thank you all for reading, and be sure to follow my Instagram to stay updated!