Madrid, Upcoming Changes

After my beautiful weekend in Switzerland, I had another week in Nantes before jetting off to my next destination: Madrid. Madrid was one of my absolute FAVORITE weekend trips. We were graced with the perfect weather on Saturday- sunny and 75 degrees- so we spent the whole day exploring the city in absolute bliss. We wandered the streets of Madrid in beautiful sunshine and explored the gorgeous Parque del Buen Retiro, the biggest park in Madrid and the prettiest city park I’ve ever been to, and I LOVE parks.


I was also traveling with the most amazing traveling buddies: Stephanie, of course, my amazing Australian friend Jorgia who also is living in Nantes (and that I happened to meet in a mall because she overheard Stephanie and I speaking English), and Morgan, a good friend of Stephanie’s from her university in the U.S. who is currently studying in Madrid for the year. Because Morgan currently lives there, she spent the whole weekend with us, showing us around and taking us to SPECTACULAR food places, with loads and loads of delicious vegan options. These beautiful, beautiful friends, made my trip so fantastic.


Madrid is an absolutely STUNNING city, and absolute must see in Europe- I’d personally choose Madrid over Barcelona any day. My choice of cities in Spain aside, being around my inspiring female friends who are so driven and self-assured really got me thinking about my future. We also all spent some time reminiscing about things we miss back home, which made me quite a bit homesick upon returning to Nantes. Because everything has been so up in the air for me, thinking about moving to Europe FOR REAL has become scarier and scarier. I am also the kind of person who always plans ahead, so not having a clear plan was really getting to me- being in your young 20’s can be a rough age sometimes.

Despite this being a confusing time for me (and other almost college graduates), this is also a really fantastic age to do exactly what you want and to pursue your dreams unapologetically. I know my situation is different than others, and not everyone has the luxury to study abroad or travel or take time to figure out their plans for the future, but it is so important to spend time in your young twenties to connect with yourself and get clear on the vision you want for your life and then to pursue it. I’m currently on spring break traveling alone in Sweden, and it’s given me the perfect opportunity to reflect, make plans, and most of all feel so extremely grateful for all the opportunities in my life. Speaking of which, I have a big announcement coming soon… Until then, remember that you have the ability to create your dream life and achieve your BIG goals.

Stay tuned for more announcements to come, and follow my Instagram for more frequent updates!